Every single one of us can benefit from enhancing our communication skills. Whether you are a student, entrepreneur or stay-at-home parent, you absolutely need to effectively communicate what you want and need to make your life a lot smoother.
Have you ever walked away from a conversation totally confused? Maybe the person you were speaking with took what you were trying to say completely out of context. Or, maybe you can't seem to grasp the other person's position on a topic.
Communicating effectively can be difficult at times. Doing so involves more than just a string of sentences and the underlying meaning of what you are trying to convey.
As you have probably noticed, there is quite a bit of room for interpretation and distortion of the intended message by the receiver (listener, reader). And, as a communicator, your goal is to get your point across as effectively as possible with little room for misinterpretation.
Here are the various aspects that make up communications:
Body language, visual cues (someone's facial expressions for instance)
Voice, inflections
Selective hearing or lack of hearing (including environmental noise)
Transmission mode (email, text message, voicemail, conversation)
Pre-conceived notions or assumptions
Interpersonal and/or organizational relationships
- Etc.
A seemingly individual sport such as bodybuilding can indeed enhance your communication skills:
Bodybuilding Helps You Develop Confidence: Even if you are shy or introverted, bodybuilding will help you develop an all-around sense of confidence in yourself.
When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good you stand up straight and feel better about communicating in a variety of situations. And, when you are confident, you can brush aside what some may interpret as rejection.
Bodybuilding Requires Communication: At some point you are going to end up asking someone if they are done with a certain machine (even if that means you are motioning toward the machine with an inquisitive look) or if they can help spot you.
By talking to complete strangers that you see everyday (versus the person you'll never see again), you are building your communication skills and developing the ability to ask for what you want. Now carry this over to other areas of your life.
Bodybuilding Helps You Decrease Your Stress: Stress can take a physical and mental toll on your body. And, it can drastically decrease your attention span and patience - both of which are not good for effective communication. Be sure to get in the gym regularly, especially during times where you are stressed out. You will find that your daily life is easier to handle when you can blow off some steam by lifting weights.
Bodybuilders Take Care Of Themselves: As a bodybuilder you listen to the doctor and seek help if something isn't quite right. If your physician has prescribed ADD/ADHD medicine, anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants, you will take them as directed and ask what else you can do to focus better or feel better.
Bodybuilders Seek Knowledge: Bodybuilders know a lot about both nutrition and training because they are always reading about the latest and greatest supplements, training techniques and nutrition research. This quest for knowledge can make you dig deeply to understand and improve other areas of your life including your communication skills.
For more info:
The Body Master
South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074
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