Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's the Scoop with Eating?

It’s the age-old question – what (and when) to eat to set the stage for a great workout and optimal performance without nagging abdominal pains, hunger pangs, and premature exhaustion?

Avoiding GI distress before and during a workout or race is a matter of being smart about what and when you eat. First, never ever try out a new food on race day. Experiment before the big event to find what works for you.

When you exercise, blood flow is diverted away from your digestive system to your muscles. So right before working out you should avoid large meals and foods that your body has to work harder to digest, like fats, protein and fiber. In general, you should eat about three hours before working out to give your system a chance to move the food out of the stomach and begin digestion and absorption. For early morning workouts, eat a small amount of a rapidly digestible carbohydrate like a slice of bread or a banana when you wake up (aim for about 30 minutes before you begin your workout). If you exercise in the afternoon or evening, you may also want to have a light snack right before, especially if it’s been more than three hours since you’ve last eaten.

For workouts lasting longer than an hour you’ll need to replenish the energy you’re burning. Since solid food is not an option for most people sports drinks and gels are usually your best bet. Everyone reacts differently to different brands of drinks and gels (some can’t even stomach gels), so trial and error is key. Drinking large volumes of fluid helps to speed gastric emptying but can also cause cramping, especially if consumed all at once. Instead, try taking small amounts of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes.

For optimal recovery after an endurance workout, it is important to eat carbohydrates to replace the stored energy (glycogen) that was used up doing the workout. For best results, the American Dietetic Association recommends aiming to eat about 1.5g carbohydrate/kg body weight within 30 minutes of finishing the workout and then every two hours for four to six hours. A little bit of protein will also help to repair muscles – this is especially important after a resistance training workout. Of course the amount of refueling needed depends on the intensity and duration of the workout.

Check out The Body Master for more info! 1 Free session, just click the link.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Flat Bellies for the Middle-Aged

Listen up...

If you have noticed that you are a bit wider around the waist than you used to be then you are part of a growing epidemic called abdominal obesity.

Over the last decade, the cases of people over 40 suffering from abdominal obesity have more than doubled. This number continually increases because an estimated 78% of all middle aged men and women lead sedentary lifestyles. This problem is compounded by poor diet.

However, you can look better than ever and get head turning six-pack abs through simple, but proven, fitness and nutritional changes.

Warning Signs

If your midsection is showing more bulge these days, you should know the serious health risks associated with abdominal obesity.

Researchers have learned that a high concentration of abdominal fat is typically a result of a diet containing carbohydrates with a high glycemic index and too many fats. This dangerous equation can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and is even suspected to be the cause of some cancers.

Studies have also shown that people who suffer from abdominal obesity are 25% more likely to suffer from migraines. Countless middle aged men and women are plagued with weight-related back problems that prevent them from performing everyday, basic tasks and they risk losing their independence.

On the other hand, men and women over 40 who have made the fitness, nutritional, and lifestyle changes needed to get a flat tummy are predominantly free of obesity and age related health concerns. These people tend to be healthier which results in fewer doctors’ visits, lower prescription costs, and a longer life span.

You can have the same success, no matter what your age, genetics, gender, or body style. You have the same ability to build muscle as you did in your youth. The exercises that kept you lean and tone at 20 will keep you lean and tone at 50. As you age, you should have even greater motivation to eat right and workout.

Therefore, as long as you do the right exercises, followed by the right nutrition and lifestyle, you should have that six-pack that will make everyone stop and stare.

What Not To Do

There are a lot of so called experts out there that will tell you how to get fantastic abs, for a fee. The truth is that there is no gimmick or fad out there that will get you long-term fitness and a six-pack.

This is because gimmicks and fad products promise you great results without making positive changes to your physical activity and eating habits.

Additionally, pills and other miracle remedies are often dangerous and can cause long term damage to your kidneys, liver, and endocrine system. The point of fitness over 40 is to get your body into a healthy condition that will support and lengthen the rest of your life.

You also have to use caution when exercising because not all exercises were created equal. Some exercises can cause serious injury to your back, which may already be weakened after carrying extra abdominal weight for a decade or more.

In general, an exercise that forces you to arch you back should be avoided. Some of these include hanging leg raises with an arched back, lying flat straight leg lifts, straight leg sit ups and feet-supported sit ups.

The problem with the later two is that when you are in the starting position flat on the floor you are forcing your back into an unnatural position. Always remember to keep your pelvis pitched forward in a very slight hunch.

Also, exercises on machines, such as ab machine crunches, put your back in a compromised, unstable position and you should avoid these as well.

Try to avoid exercises that are inefficient. For example, when you begin your routine simple crunches will probably give your abs a good workout.

However, as you become fit you will need to add more resistance than a simple crunch can provide.

Also, avoid torso twists because these do not adequately build abdomen muscles and they do not burn very many calories.

Finally, many people only focus on the rectus abdominus muscles which are the muscles that can be visibly seen in a six-pack. This is a mistake.

It is important that you give this muscle group an excellent workout, but you must also exercise the other muscles in your abdomen and back to get the full effect. Your back and abdomen muscles help you maintain good posture. Good posture will help your back remain strong for many years and has a fantastic impact on appearance.

When you hold your body in the proper position, it emphasizes muscle tone and a lean abdomen.

The Right Exercises

Now that you know what not to do, it is time to focus on the right movements that will get you a fantastic set of abdominal muscles.

The right movements are the same no matter if you want ripped abs or just a lean, tone appearance. The difference is how much resistance you add to your workout.

Some of the best exercises are ones that use your lower body as the source of resistance. For example, many people have great success with hanging leg raises and hanging knee raises but remember to keep your back in a hunched position.

Other exercises that are the most effective can be done at home or at a gym with simple equipment like dumbbells and an exercise ball.

Ball crunches and ball hip flexions work out both the rectus abdominus group and the supporting abdomen muscles.

Lying leg thrusts, abs scissors, reverse crunches, abs wheels, and alternating crunches can be done almost anywhere.

If you prefer a gym, decline bench leg thrusts, bench crunches, and the cable rope crunch will give you good results.

Also, abs bicycle exercises where you alternate your knees and elbows are fantastic and burn many calories.

You may also be surprised to find many other exercises that do not focus on the abs will give you an amazing abdominal workout. For example, squats, lunges, dead lifts, and multi-joint presses all focus on other muscle groups.

However, these movements require core stability that forces the abs into a flexed or crunched position with great resistance. This is especially so for front squats and renegade dumbbell exercises.

Remember that the most effective workout focuses on muscles groups from different angles. Also, there is no set amount of time that will guarantee results. In addition to you normal workout, you will probably want to include 5 to 10 minutes that are devoted to your abs.

In the beginning, you may have to workout the full 10 minutes and decrease the time as you get toned. Also, do not exercise your abs everyday. Your abs are no different than any other muscle, they need rest in order to repair and build new mass.

Keep in mind that no matter how much you strengthen your abs, you will not have the look you want unless you also address unwanted fat through cardio and good nutrition. You might be surprised to find out that many people are getting the defined abs they want through intense training, but those abs are not visible through layers of unwanted fat.

Adding a cardio workout to your program will help burn calories and eliminate extra fat. Nutritionally, many people have had better results when they include only complex, low-glycemic carbs, reduce fats, increase lean proteins, and stop alcohol consumption.

The best way to get fantastic washboard abs abs is to begin a well-rounded fitness program that includes the right exercise movements, good nutrition, and positive lifestyle changes.

There is no cookie-cutter plan out there that will work for everyone. Your body type and fitness goals are unique. The best workout program is one that is well researched and suited to your needs.

Check out The Body Master and take care of it! 1 Free session, click the link.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A word about vision and aging...

If you take a look around at your peers, you will probably notice more people wearing glasses or contacts than wore glasses 10 years ago. Now that you are over 50, you may be needing glasses yourself.

However, do not think that just because you are getting older you cannot maintain your vision. There are plenty of things you can do to ensure your eyesight for years to come.

It is very natural for your eyesight to diminish as you get older. Many people who benefited from 20/20 vision or better in their youth find the need to pull on a pair of glasses to read the morning paper later in life.

Sometimes, this is a genetic decline that cannot be halted. In most cases, and even in many genetic cases, the way you care for your eyes can have the greatest impact on retaining good vision.

The first thing you should do is protect your eyes when you read. This means that you should read in a well lit room, with the light preferably overhead.

Remember well lit does not mean too bright, too bright a light will fatigue your eyes. Computer monitors are often too bright and should be dimmed slightly to protect your eyes.

You should also take an opportunity to relax your eyes throughout the day. Relaxing your eyes helps reduce tension in the optic muscles. This tension can disrupt blood flow and overtime will reduce your vision.

One popular relaxation technique is called palming. Palming is relatively easy to do. You start by rubbing your palms together until they are very warm.

Next, close your eyes and press your palms firmly against your eyelids. Leave your palms there until the cool or for at least one minute. The heat from your palms will relax the muscles and the pressure will gently massage the area to improve blood flow.

Closing your eyes for this length of time will also reduce strain. You can do this as many times as needed throughout the day.

You may have always heard eating carrots improves your eyesight. This is true, but there are other foods that can help you improve your eyesight even more.

In addition to carrots, vegetables that are rich in vitamins A, B, and C are antioxidant rich. This helps the cells in your eyes and surrounding tissue to regenerate more quickly and efficiently.

Foods like fish that are rich in vitamin E are known to help prevent the muscular degeneration that causes poor eyesight. Spinach is rich in iron, along with other vitamins and minerals, and will promote better blood flow.

You need your eyes to be healthy for the rest of your life. Do not assume that because you are now over 50 losing your sight is inevitable. If you take proactive steps now, you will be giving your vision the strength it needs to last.

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bodybuilding Also Builds Social Skills

Every single one of us can benefit from enhancing our communication skills. Whether you are a student, entrepreneur or stay-at-home parent, you absolutely need to effectively communicate what you want and need to make your life a lot smoother.


Have you ever walked away from a conversation totally confused? Maybe the person you were speaking with took what you were trying to say completely out of context. Or, maybe you can't seem to grasp the other person's position on a topic.

Communicating effectively can be difficult at times. Doing so involves more than just a string of sentences and the underlying meaning of what you are trying to convey.

As you have probably noticed, there is quite a bit of room for interpretation and distortion of the intended message by the receiver (listener, reader). And, as a communicator, your goal is to get your point across as effectively as possible with little room for misinterpretation.

Here are the various aspects that make up communications:

  • Words/sentences

  • Body language, visual cues (someone's facial expressions for instance)

  • Voice, inflections

  • Selective hearing or lack of hearing (including environmental noise)

  • Transmission mode (email, text message, voicemail, conversation)

  • Pre-conceived notions or assumptions

  • Stereotyping

  • Interpersonal and/or organizational relationships

  • Etc.
How does bodybuilding help?

A seemingly individual sport such as bodybuilding can indeed enhance your communication skills:

  • Bodybuilding Helps You Develop Confidence: Even if you are shy or introverted, bodybuilding will help you develop an all-around sense of confidence in yourself.

    When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good you stand up straight and feel better about communicating in a variety of situations. And, when you are confident, you can brush aside what some may interpret as rejection.

  • Bodybuilding Requires Communication: At some point you are going to end up asking someone if they are done with a certain machine (even if that means you are motioning toward the machine with an inquisitive look) or if they can help spot you.

    By talking to complete strangers that you see everyday (versus the person you'll never see again), you are building your communication skills and developing the ability to ask for what you want. Now carry this over to other areas of your life.

  • Bodybuilding Helps You Decrease Your Stress: Stress can take a physical and mental toll on your body. And, it can drastically decrease your attention span and patience - both of which are not good for effective communication. Be sure to get in the gym regularly, especially during times where you are stressed out. You will find that your daily life is easier to handle when you can blow off some steam by lifting weights.

  • Bodybuilders Take Care Of Themselves: As a bodybuilder you listen to the doctor and seek help if something isn't quite right. If your physician has prescribed ADD/ADHD medicine, anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants, you will take them as directed and ask what else you can do to focus better or feel better.

  • Bodybuilders Seek Knowledge: Bodybuilders know a lot about both nutrition and training because they are always reading about the latest and greatest supplements, training techniques and nutrition research. This quest for knowledge can make you dig deeply to understand and improve other areas of your life including your communication skills.

    For more info:

    The Body Master


    South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Chill out, stressing will make you fat

Can stress really make you fat?

Absolutely! As feeble humans we have evolved in such a way that stress causes a near immediate reaction in our bodies. Do you remember the last time you got a fright? I mean REALLY got a fright, do you remember the immediate reaction you had as you jumped as a response to the fear?

This reaction is called your fight or flight response and it is responsible for the release of a whole host of hormones into your system.

So what happens when you’re chronically stressed? If your body is constantly releasing these stress hormones into your body it can have a drastic and catastrophic effect.

When hormones such as cortisol are released into your body they force your body to decide whether to fight what has caused the reaction, or run away. If you are permanently stressed out due to work or family commitments the hormones unleashed on your system can play havoc with your metabolism, your blood sugar levels and your blood flow.

All of these changes can then cause you to gain weight, no matter how closely you’re sticking to your diet. There are even some types of weight loss products now that specifically target the market of ’stressed out dieters’.

As I already said, chronic stress can have a serious impact on your weight. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty and I’ll tell you how it can affect you.

Your metabolism - Firstly stress will have an impact on your metabolism because cortisol slows it right down; even if you are still eating the same amount of food your body won’t burn it off as quickly, leading to weight gain.

Food Cravings - Because you are stressed and feeling low your natural resistance to junk food will be at an all time low. Who doesn’t love a bar of chocolate or some ice cream when they feel down or stressed out?

This is one to watch for because everyone has their own brand of comfort food when they feel off. You really need to try to stave off the temptation though, obviously the more junk you eat the more weight you’ll put on!

Blood Sugar Levels - When you are stressed out are you prone to mood swings? Just want to crawl into a corner and cry? This is likely caused by a change in your blood sugar brought on by stress.

Prolonged stress is even linked to hyperglycemia (too much sugar in the blood) and metabolic syndrome (a combination of medical disorders that increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes). None of these side effects are particularly pleasant so this is why you really need to keep an eye on your stress levels, especially while trying to lose weight.

So the moral of the story is that you should look after yourself as a whole while trying to lose weight. If you are suffering from chronic stress, try to find a way to relax.

Possibly try out some yoga classes or just something that you find always calms you. We can’t lead a stress free life all the time but for a fitter, healthier and slimmer you, try to relax as much as you can, when you can.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Choose Your Fats Wisely

Americans may eat too much fat overall, but 90 percent of us don't consume enough of the fats that are good for us.

The right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is vital to cardiac function, joint and skin health, insulin balance and mood stability, according to Dr. Artemis Simopoulos, author of The Omega Diet.

Unfortunately, most of us consume too little omega-3 fatty acids and too much omega-6, which is found in corn oil and can worsen symptoms of some inflammatory and degenerative diseases such as arthritis.

To increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, Simopoulos recommends eating fish (especially salmon) at least twice per week.

You should also increase your consumption of green leafy vegetables, flax seed and walnuts, while cutting out as much animal fat and hydrogenated vegetable oil as possible.

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Don't Skip Breakfast to Cut Calories

When it comes to cutting calories, breakfast is often the first thing to go.

But new research suggests that people who are successful at losing weight – and, more importantly, keeping it off – eat breakfast every day.

Researchers from the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver analyzed data on nearly 3,000 people who had lost, on average, 70 pounds and kept it off for a year or more.

Study subjects were enrolled in the National Weight Control Registry, which is an ongoing study of adults who have successfully lost 30 pounds or more. Only four percent said they never eat breakfast every day.

It is not known what subjects ate for breakfast (although the study was funded by cereal giant General Mills), but most followed a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.

Researchers speculate that eating breakfast helps people manage both their hunger and food intake throughout the day.

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Want to Keep Your Skin Healthy? Keep Sweating

Exercise is good for the body in more ways than one. Sure, it helps you get fit and build stronger muscles, but new evidence suggests working up a good sweat may also help fight off skin infections.

Researchers from Eberhard Karls University in Tuebingen, Germany have discovered that human sweat contains an antibiotic called dermacidin that is capable of limiting disease-causing bacteria such as those responsible for skin infections such as impetigo.

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Exercise is Good for Women

A large-scale, six-year study involving 39,372 American women over age 44 confirms that exercise reduces the risk of coronary heart disease in women.

The study found that the more energy women spent exercising, the lower their risk of developing heart disease, including heart attacks, regardless of other factors.

Among the approximately 23,000 women who did not engage in any vigorous activity, women who walked as little as one hour per week had about half the risk of more sedentary women of developing heart disease.

Intensity was less of a factor than the total amount of time spent walking.

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Do You HAve Exercise & Health Supporters

A survey of nearly 1,000 college students found that men who have friends who exercise are more likely to exercise as well.

Researchers at Ohio State University, in an effort to determine what motivates young adults to exercise and keep exercising after college, also found that women were more likely to be active if they were raised in an active family.

But family support, which may be provided at a distance while students attend college, may be a weaker form of support than that of peer-group support.

This may also explain why college males are more likely to be active than their female counterparts (39 percent of men versus 26 percent of women surveyed were active at least three days per week).

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

One More Reason for Men to Stay Active

For years, heath promoters have been racking their brains trying to come up with persuasive reasons for Americans to be more physically active.

Well here's a new one that's sure to get some attention: Men who exercise are less likely to experience sexual dysfunction as they get older.

Analyzing data from surveys of nearly 32,000 men ages 53 to 90, researchers concluded that men who were the most physically active were least likely to become impotent.

According to Eric B. Rimm, an associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, men who ran at least three hours per week appeared to have the sexual functioning of men two to five years younger.

But even moderate activity proved beneficial: Men who briskly walked for 30 minutes, most days of the week, had a 15 to 20 percent reduction in the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Fewer than 25 percent of Americans get enough exercise, so it is not surprising that sexual dysfunction is a common complaint, particularly among older men.

However, some doctors believe that impotence could be considered an early warning sign of what could happen to the heart.

Exercise appears to benefit the small arteries that control erections, which is the same reason that exercise is good for the heart- it benefits the arteries that feed the heart. And while many men appear unconcerned about heart health, chances are they may be more motivated to do something about the health of their sex lives.

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Are You Feeling Stressed? Work It Out...

A new study confirms what many of already know: Regular exercise is one of the best ways to combat daily stress.

Researchers at the University of Texas, Houston, asked 135 college students to fill out questionnaires to assess their daily stress loads as well as their moods, physical activity patterns and overall health.

Those who reported exercising less often experienced 37 percent more physical symptoms and 21 percent more anxiety during periods of high stress than those who exercised more frequently.

Exercise, it seems, offered students a temporary respite from their problems, a period of rejuvenation before returning to the pressure of daily stress.

According to lead researcher Dr. Cindy L. Carmack, ''Minor, everyday stress contributes to the development and exacerbation of physical and mental health problems. However, people experiencing minor stress develop different degrees of symptoms, depending on their level of physical activity.''

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Exercise Must Have Essentials

36,000 Fitness Professionals were recently asked to name their single most important exercise items.

Some answers were obvious (my body), while others were more abstract (daily goals, plenty of space).

Here are their top 12 exercise essentials:

Good shoes
Fun or appropriate music
Free weights
A positive attitude
Comfortable clothing
Lots of water
A supportive sports bra
Safe, well-made equipment (e.g., cardio machines, heart-rate monitors
Weight-training gloves
Enough time
A workout partner
Fresh, clean air and/or sunshine

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

Are You Getting Enough Exercise?

Only one in four U.S. adults get the recommended amount of daily exercise, which is 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week, or 20 minutes of vigorous activity three days per week.

Even worse: Nearly one in three Americans admits they don’t exercise at all.

The culprits? High-stress jobs and an abundance of sedentary distractions, such as cable television and the Internet, according to some experts.

Sandra Ham, a statistician with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), believes Americans see exercise as an inconvenience, an attitude which is closely linked to inactivity and obesity, which kills 180,000 Americans each year. And that number is rising.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074

How Long Should You Stretch for...

A new study out of the United Kingdom suggests a significant benefits from holding each stretch at least 15 seconds as opposed to five seconds or not stretching at all.

Fifteen seconds is better than five, though five is still better than nothing when it comes to improving flexibility.

Twenty-four college students (average age 20) participated in the five-week training study.

Those in the five-second group performed each stretch nine times, while those in the 15-second group did each stretch three times.

While both groups improved their passive range of motion, those who held their stretches longer showed greater improvements in active range of motion as well.

Start Now by calling right now or Register for your FREE Complimentary Session.

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be the same as the last 12 months. Do something about it by registering now.
You CAN do this. Start your FREE Complimentary Session.

To Your Continued Success,

The Body Master


South Braeswood @ Fondren Houston TX 77074